Bronze Castings

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Cast in our green sand and no bake mold processes, brass bronze castings are suitable for a wide range of products including multiple components within the automotive, aerospace and general manufacturing industries. Favored for their high strength and durability, these brass bronze castings are available to you at Morel Industries - a leading Seattle foundry.

Molding Processes

  • Green Sand Mold
  • No Bake

Typical Uses

Typical uses include components for the automotive, aerospace, and marine industries:

Electronic housings, bearings, marine products, wear plates, survey markers, artistic/decorative products, and many other applications.

  • High strength & superior wear properties.

  • Excellent corrosion resistance.

  • Excellent heat transfer properties.

  • Prototype thru production runs.

  • Green sand & no-bake molding processes.

  • CAD computer files accepted.

  • Engineering assistance available.

  • Finishing options: machining, chem treat, assemblies.



Bronze Alloys:

  • 85-5-5-5
  • 83-7-7-3
  • 80-10-10